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Good Friday Breakfast at Kermandie

Kermandie Hotel 4512/4518 Huon Hwy, Port Huon

Join us from 8:00am - 10:30am for Good Friday Breakfast at Kermandie.

Kermandie is a stunning location to enjoy a relaxed breakfast over the weekend. Invite the whole family - for this Easter Long Weekend only, Kid's eat free (under the age of 12 years).

Kick start your Easter weekend with a The Beansmith coffee - roasted in Cygnet.

Click through on this event for Menus, Booking & Contact details.

Dover Regatta 2023

The Port Esperance Sailing Club's Dover Regatta is on once again this year.

Sailing competitions are run throughout the weekend. 

While down in the Far South, it is a perfect opportunity to book accommodation at Kermandie. 

Our Good Friday Seafood Specials will be running on the first day of the Regatta - perfect way to celebrate Easter and the Regatta!

Details for the Regatta can be found via their website at:

Kermandie Cellars – Good Friday Trading Hours

Kermandie Cellars will be open from Midday to 7:30pm on Good Friday.

Follow us on Facebook (@kermandiecellars) for monthly specials and updates on new products.

You can contact us on 03 6297 1052 or
